Life in the King home has been great. We had a fun little surprise party for Justin last night. Everyone met up at Sammy's, then we went to Comedy Sportz, and then we played games at our apartment! Justin thought I was taking him on a fun date, just the two of us, since we've started a new tradition where one of us is in charge of the date planning each week (last week he did a great job taking me to Costco (woot woot!) and then to a movie and yummy dessert). So, I was in charge on Saturday night and he was not suspicious at all. We walked towards Sammy's and he started to guess what we might be doing that evening. He guessed that we were going to Comedy Sportz, and I finally conceded that to him, trying not to be overly secretive. Well, when we walked up to Sammy's, we saw Robby and Heather and Alex in the distance, and Justin said, "I think that's Robby." I said, "No way!" and as we got closer, Justin excitedly proclaimed, "What a coincidence! Are you guys just leaving?" They smiled and Justin turned to me. "Are they here for me?" Yes, yes they were. Then Nick and Adam and Brett and Ashley and Pete and Carly and Anna and Allison all came too, and we had a lovely little dinner (sorry for the cramped conditions in Sammy's). Then we went to Comedy Sportz, which did not disappoint.
As if that weren't fun enough...then Holly and Andrew and Carolyn and Brian joined us all for games. (Thank you Holly for the delicious Costco cake, which I ate for breakfast this morning! And thanks to Allison, for getting us this very fun game for Christmas!).
All in all, Justin was surprised and super-happy. Nothing beats seeing your husband super-happy! Happy Birthday, best friend!

*I think I'll use pictures like these every time. Did that not make the reading experience more enjoyable?